A Quick Homemade Steak Pie

A Quick Homemade Steak Pie (The Cheating Way)
- 2 Tins of Steak in Gravy.
- 2 Oxo’s
- A packet of ready made Shortcrust Pastry.
Pre-heat the Halogen Oven to 170c
Divide the Pastry, so you have enough for the bottom of the pie and some for the top of the pie.
Roll out enough pastry to line a 7″-8″(inch) pie dish or as I do, I use a sandwich cake tin! ( one you would use to make a victoria sponge cake in )
I grease this well! then I completely line the tin with the pastry, making sure that it goes up and over the sides of the tin, allowing a little extra for a overhang, this allows for any shrinkage when the pastry cooks.
Lay a piece of greaseproof paper, on top of the centre of the pastry and pour on some dried peas or beans, so as the paper is weighted down.
Now put this into the Halogen Oven on the top rack, put on the extension ring and cook for about 8-10 mins ( this is called Blind Baking) Keep an eye on it so as it doesn’t over cook.
Whilst this is baking, heat up the 2 tins of Stewing Steak, add the Oxo’s stir them in well to mix, make sure it is piping hot.
When the pastry in the Halogen Oven is cooked, carefully lift it out, remove the dried peas or beans and the greaseproof paper ( put these away you can always use these time and time again when Blind Baking) and then pour in the stewing steak and gravy.
Using a pastry brush and water, WET the top EDGE all around the pie, making sure that the edges of the cooked pastry are WET, now roll out the remaining pastry and place on top of the pie, and press the edges of the two pastries together. If you have WET the underneath pastry enough this wont be a problem, if you haven’t then very carefully just lift the edges and brush with water under the top pastry.
Trim any excess pastry. Now you can decorate with pastry leaves if you wish or just leave plain, but fork a few holes to allow the steam to come through.
Glaze by either brushing with beaten egg or a drop of milk.
Return back to the Halogen Oven ( dont forget to put the extension ring back on) and cook for a further 5-10 mins to allow the pastry to cook and to brown.
Remove from the Halogen Oven. Eat and Enjoy!
Posted by Clasiechick on 24/1/2011