Syrup Sponge Pudding

Syrup Sponge Pudding
Prep time 15 mins
Cooking time 1 hr 30 mins
Butter for greasing
75 ml (3fl oz) golden syrup
175g (6oz) self raising flour
75g (3oz) suet
50g (2oz) caster sugar
1 beaten egg
100 ml (3.5floz) milk
Mix ingredients together until thoroughly combined spoon mixture into basin 1 lt size.
Cover bowl with double layer baking parchment secure with string. Cover this with tin foil.
Set basin in halogen bowl, pour enough boiling water to come to a third of the way up pudding basin side
Set oven to 250°c and steam for 1 hr 30 mins to 1 hr 45 min or until just firm to touch and knife inserted to middle comes out clean.
Leave in basin for 5 mins then invert on to serving plate.
Posted by Hummingbird on 9/12/2010